Monday, 17 September 2012

Summer Goals Revisited {Weigh In & New Goals}

I lost 2.5lbs this week bringing me back into the 240’s. Not too bad of a loss, I was hoping for more, but it was enough to get me back on track.

In June I decided to join the Lose a Marathon weight loss challenge. The goal was to lose 26.1 pounds from June 18 – Sept 17th. I started this Summer off at 257.5lbs and I’m ending it at 249lbs.  That’s a total of 8.5lb lost. That’s a very slow loss over that past few months. I know I could have done much, much better. However, I’m not overly disappointed about my progress. I had one of the busiest summer’s I’ve had in a long time and one of the best. Almost every weekend was full of bbq’s, day trips; get togethers, parties, beach days, concerts, family visits and so on. Not only did I manage to lose weight during all of this, but I enjoyed every minute of my summer!

My wardrobe during the summer months is mostly capris pants, skirts and dresses (i.e. loose fitting clothes). I can clearly remember the past few Septembers when it was time to wear jeans or fitted dress pants and I had to squeeze myself into them!
But not this year! This past weekend I wore jeans for the first time all summer – they fit like a loose glove! These are the same jeans that gave my severe muffin top last winter. This morning I put on my go-to black dress pants and they’re about 10lbs from falling right off me – woo hoo!


I’m happy with my weight loss this summer, but I’m even happier that I stuck with running! The heat this summer was almost unbearable.  There were many days where I ran jogged in 105+ degree temperatures. It was hard, so hard! But I stuck with it and yesterday I ran the Terry Fox 5k and this coming Saturday is the Toronto Zoo 5k. I’m proud of myself for sticking with it and I have every intention to continue running throughout this coming year.

Woot 5k!

Crossing the finish line!


Now that the Lose a Marathon challenge is over, I think it’s time to hammer out some new goals. I initially thought that I would set some goals to reach by Christmas (only 15 weeks away!!), but I think that the month of December needs it’s own goals, which I’ll plan closer to the date. Instead, I’m going to set my goal for November 30th – the day before my sister’s due date and the day my parents will be flying back for the birth :)

This gives me 11 weeks. To break it up I’m going to set a few smaller goals in between.

11 week challenge: (starting weight: 249lbs)
  • -       Lose 2lbs per week
  • -       Reach 35lbs (244lbs ) lost by Thanksgiving weekend (October 7th)
  • -       235lbs by Halloween
  • -       Run another 5k race
  • -       Continue running at least 3x per week
  • -       Lose 22lbs (227lbs) by November 30th

I was supposed to take progress pictures and measurements at the end of the Lose a Marathon challenge, but I’ve only lost 2lbs since the last time I took them so they likely haven’t changed too much. I will take my measurements and pictures again on Thanksgiving weekend and hopefully my progress will be better by then.

I think these are realistic goals and if I reach my final goal of 22lbs, I will have lost 50lbs to date, which would be amazing!

I’m going to set up a new page in my navigation bar and I’ll be sure to track my progress during the next 11 weeks! Feel free to join me in my 11 week challenge! 

You can also follow me on Twitter! :)


  1. Congrats for sticking with running. I hope I continue to stick with it also. In the past iI tried but gave up. This is the longest I have stuck with it... and I am still loving it. (most of the time hehe)

    Congrats on your loss! :)

  2. Congrats on your loss! Who made your blog header? I love it.

  3. I really like it. I had someone design my blog, but now I'm falling out of love with it quick.

    1. Thanks! I've never designed a self-hosted blog, but if you want help with some Graphics I'd be glad to help!

  4. I thought when I was losing weight that sort term achievable goals really helped to keep momentum going. I've only read a couple of your posts, but I like your style!


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