Friday, 20 July 2012

Random Friday Thoughts

As I mentioned in Monday's post, I decided that I needed to stop eating so many bad carbs, so that's exactly what I've been doing this week. My scale body does not react well to bad carbs and I've been eating way too many of them which would explain my recent plateau. That being said, I've been doing pretty well with it this week and I was very excited to see the number on the scale this morning! My official weigh in isn't until Monday, so I must stay on track over the weekend :)


This is the first weekend in forever that we don't have very many plans. It's kinda nice. 
I'm off today so I'm heading out shortly with a friend and her 8 month old little girl. We're going to check out Ikea and we're going to attempt their 1$ breakfast, should be interesting! lol
We might go see a movie this weekend and will likely just relax. Sometimes less busy weekends are harder to stay on track for me because I get bored and start to munch on food which usually leads to a binge. I'll have to make sure to keep busy outside. 

 It's still very hot here and we haven't had rain in far too long. One of the local campground declared it's first fire ban in 8 years this week!! The grass here looks like hay and the crops are suffering. There are a ton of farmers stands by our house and it's disappointing knowing that there's going to be less selection this year and likely a lot more pricey. 


I believe I mentioned before that my sister is expecting her first child. It's also the fist grand baby for my parents - very exciting! Yesterday they found out that it was a girl :) She's due december 1st. She had a few complications at the beginning and I'm a worrier by nature, so I hope everything will continue to be ok. I'm going to decorate their nursery for them as a baby shower gift, so I'm VERY excited that it's a girl. I've been pinning a lot of ideas on Pinterest lately and all but one were girl rooms haha. So now I get to start shopping, YAY!. 


The lovely Marcia at Minus One Hundred  nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. So stay tuned for more on that later :)

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!


  1. Don't let the inactive weekend hinder your goals. When things feel sluggish, take a 20 minute walk. (I know it's hot, but this will help). Also, that is so kind of you to decorate the nursery for your sister.

  2. Have a GREAT weekend...enjoy yourself and remember to stay on track for YOU! You can do it!!

  3. I love relaxing weekends!!!! I am having a hard time staying on track these days. I think I need to post my meals on my blog to help keep me honest. Keep up the great work.


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